Welcome to DayTradingDummy.com!

Welcome to Daytradingdummy.com! I am Jonathan Reizovic, the Day Trading Dummy himself. Although I call myself a dummy, I am actually quite the opposite. I graduated high school at the top of my class, graduated college a semester early with a major in communications and a minor in business, and even made the Dean’s list a few ...

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What is Day Trading?

Whether you are new to trading or have been doing it for awhile, I am sure you have heard the term day trading. If you are wondering what exactly day trading is, the concept is simple: trading throughout the day. It is when a trader buys a stock and sells it in the same day or sells ...

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Stock Trading 101: Trading Basics

So you have a little money that you’ve set aside for trading stocks (or maybe a lot; lucky you!) and you’re all ready to dive into the market, or are you? What are stocks? How do you trade them? Where do you trade them? How do you make money? In this post I will provide the answers ...

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Technical Analysis: What You MUST Know!

There are many ways to analyzes stocks, but technical analysis is by far my favorite! This method of analyzing stocks uses charts to determine a stock’s future. You will learn in this post that there are certain indicators and chart patterns that will alert you as to whether a stock will be going up or down. A ...

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Technical Analysis: What You MUST Know!

There are many ways to analyzes stocks, but technical analysis is by far my favorite! This method of analyzing stocks uses charts to determine a stock’s future. You will learn in this post that there are certain indicators and chart patterns that will alert you as to whether a stock will be going up or down. A lot of other traders are utilizing this method as well and that is why it works! Stocks prices are based on the supply and demand of shares. When more traders are buying shares, the price per share will increase do to the high demand. When more traders are selling than buying the opposite will occur, and the stock price will decrease. So when you have thousands of traders looking at an indicator that is bullish (indicating a stock price should increase), they all buy and the stock price will increase, and this is why technical analysis works!

Support and Resistance

When analyzing charts, there are two terms that you must be aware of: support and resistance. You will see these terms everywhere (“there was resistance at $2…there was support at $1”). Basically these are the prices that a stock will seldom surpass or go under.

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Stock Trading 101: Trading Basics

So you have a little money that you’ve set aside for trading stocks (or maybe a lot; lucky you!) and you’re all ready to dive into the market, or are you? What are stocks? How do you trade them? Where do you trade them? How do you make money? In this post I will provide the answers to all of these questions and make sure you are prepared to start making money in the stock market!

What are stocks?

Stocks are securities that represent ownership in a corporation, which is why each stock is called a share. Each stock you own represents your share of the corporation.

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What is Day Trading?

Whether you are new to trading or have been doing it for awhile, I am sure you have heard the term day trading. If you are wondering what exactly day trading is, the concept is simple: trading throughout the day. It is when a trader buys a stock and sells it in the same day or sells a stock short and buys to cover in the same day. This is the strategy I tend to use when trading stocks. I do, at times, let others run their course a little, but will seldom hold a stock for more than 3 days.

When day trading, there are certain rules and terms that you must be aware of. It is easy to open up a brokerage account and start buying and selling stocks, but if you are unaware of these rules and terms you may end up having your ability to trade suspended.

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Welcome to DayTradingDummy.com!

Welcome to Daytradingdummy.com! I am Jonathan Reizovic, the Day Trading Dummy himself. Although I call myself a dummy, I am actually quite the opposite. I graduated high school at the top of my class, graduated college a semester early with a major in communications and a minor in business, and even made the Dean’s list a few times. All while spending more time out of class than in it! So obviously, I am no dummy! However, when it comes to day trading I have a lot to learn. There’s a lot to read, a lot to understand, and a lot of questions I have that the pros would definitely deem “dumb”.  I am not going to say I don’t know anything about stocks because that would be a lie and lying is dumb.

I have actually traded stocks on and off since I was in high school. I had my mom open up an Etrade account for me with $1600 in it. I turned that into $4000 and bought my first car stereo with the money (my priorities were obviously different back then). If I remember my strategy correctly, I would look for stocks that were down a lot and buy them in hopes they would go back up. At this time it obviously worked and I profited almost 300%.

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